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House of Delegates.

The House met at noon. No minister present.

Mr. Bass, from the Committee on Claims, reported a bill for the relief of Levi Johnson.

Mr. Thrash offered a resolution that the Speaker vacate the Chair at 3 o'clock P. M. and resume it at 7 o'clock P.M. daily until the military bill shall be disposed of. Mr. Wilson, of Isle of Wight, objected, and the resolution was laid over a day.

A communication was received from the Secretary of the Board of Public Works, reporting the proceedings of the Board for the past two years.

On motion of Mr. Bass, laid on the table and ordered to be printed.

The act to revive and amend an act to authorize the issue of small notes, was taken up, and after a brief explanation by Mr. Robertson, of Richmond, the Senate amendments were concurred in.

The bill to incorporate the Catherine Furnace Company of the county of Spotsylvania, was passed.

The bill declaring a portion of South Ana river a lawful fence, was recommitted to the Committee on Propositions and Grievances.

Mr. Anderson, of Botetourt, from the Committee on Military Affairs, reported a bill to constitute a corps to more effectually collect the arms belonging to the State and Confederate States, not in active service, which was read a first time.

Mr. Woodhouse offered a resolution that a select committee be appointed to devise ‘"some mode to prevent the escape of slaves to the enemy by boats left by their owners carelessly in the river,"’ which was adopted.

The order of the day, which was the consideration of the ‘"Bill to organize the State troops and volunteers of Virginia,"’ was then taken up. The various amendments proposed by the majority of the Committee on Military Affairs were reported by the chairman and adopted by the House, with the view of perfecting the bill presented by a majority of the Committee.

Mr Tomlin made some amendments to the substitute offered by him.

Without taking action upon the bill or substitute, the House, at a quarter past 3 o'clock, adjourned.

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