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[Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.]

arrest of Confederate pickets — a Fiendish outrage — arrest of a Lincolnite, &c.

Monuron, Va., Jan. 21, 1862.
We have information from jumping Branch, Mercer county, that four of our militia pickets were taken prisoners on Friday night last by the Yankees. One of the prisoners captured was a Mr. Beckley, son of the General of the same name. It is also stated that Mrs. Gen. Beckley was robbed of four hundred dollars, left with her for safe keeping.

I learn from unquestionable authority that a most diabolical outrage has been perpetrated upon one of the best and most respected ladies of Mercer county by five of Lincoln's friends. The husband of the lady whose person was violated is at this time in the Confederate service. The hellish set were led on by a Union man, said to be named Cales. How long are we to endure these things in Western Virginia?

There was sent from Monroe county a few days ago one of the most dangerous Union men in the county. One of his brothers has said that all those engaged in his arrest will be taken to Columbus.

A great deal of sickness prevails in this county at the present time. Some of our best citizens have died, and a great many others are still sick Felix.

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