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From Norfolk

Special Correspondence of the Dispatch.
Norfolk, Jan. 23, 1862.
Yesterday afternoon a steamer brought up to the city Lieutenant John L. Hurt and Mrs. Doone and her three daughters. Lieut. H., who was released on parole, was captured at Greenbrier river, on the 13th of November, and sent to Columbus, Ohio.

Mrs. Doone, who had been residing in Philadelphia for some time, for the purpose of educating her children, will proceed to Savannah, Ga., of which city she is a native.

A considerable quantity of clothing, &c., occasionally pass through our city from the North, for the Federal prisoners in the South. These goods, packed usually in large boxes, bales, &c, are brought up in the steamers that go down with flag of truce, and are generally forwarded by the Southern Express Company.

This company, by the way, is of great public benefit, and is managed according to a judicious and admirable system, which ensures the safe delivery of packages forwarded, not only with certainty, but in the shortest possible time.

Several persons have been fined by the Mayor for issuing small notes. The extensive issue of them, which is still on the increase, seems to have required the enforcement of the law on the subject.

There is no late news here from the fleet, which has been expected in the Sound. We shall soon have the particulars of the proceedings of Burnside down there, and not unlikely of a severe conflict between his ships and our batteries

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