Mayor's Court.
--The following cases were disposed of yesterday:Anderson, slave of Wm. Cooley, charged with stealing a piece of cotton cloth from Alfred Moses — a considerable offence under the present rule of high prices of such goods — was convicted and punished with twenty.
Charles, slave of John Tyler, charged with stealing $169 from James B. Grant, was remanded for trial before the Hustings Court.
William, a slave, employed by the R and P. Railroad Company, was caught with two red flannel shirts in his possession, and their miserable texture precluding the idea that he procured them by purchase, he was ordered down under sentence of twenty.
A fine of $5 was imposed upon B. Tracy for keeping his bar-room open after 10 o'clock P. M.
Several trivial cases were continued, and some hard cases committed so jail, where total abstinence is the first rule of the household.