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[for the Richmond Dispatch.]
Gen. McCulloch.

I regret to find inserted in the columns of the Dispatch, of the 10th inst, an extract from the Nashville Banner, reflecting most unjustly upon the distinguished hero of the Western campaign, Gen. Ben. McCulloch.--It is asserted that he ‘"has placed himself in a most equivocal position by lingering amid the festivities of a brilliant capital, while the soldier's duty calls him where sounds the trump of war."’ This is an accusation which argues either wilful misrepresentation of total ignorance of the true circumstances of the case. Having left his faithful followers in charge of a skillful and efficient leader, Gen. McCulloch visits Richmond upon matters of moment to himself and the cause the serves, and will return to his command when his presence is no longer needed here.

Public interests are not always promoted most effectually in the camp and on the battle fields, and Gen. McCulloch's past life of unwavering devotion to his country's service demands at least that he should be exempt from the charge of neglecting those interests. Let the pervading spirit of ruinous detraction be repressed, and Gen. McCulloch will need none to defend his good name and fame. Justitia.

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