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What the New York Herald Thinks of Mr. Vallandigham.

--From the New York Herald, of the 9th inst., we extract the following editorial:

‘ At the last session of Congress the Hon. Mr. Vallandigham, of Ohio, and Burnett, of Kentucky, now a prominent leader of the Kentucky rebels, were almost as intimate as the Siamese Twins, for they were always together. At the present session Mr. Vallandigham is left to do the best he can for the rebel cause without the assistance of Burnett; but he seems to labor as willingly for a war with England, in behalf of our Southern rebels, as if his Kentucky friend were at his side. The speech made the other day on the Trent settlement by this patriotic Vallandigham was just such a speech as Burnett Breckinridge would have made in our Congress on that subject. So it was understood in the House, and so it will be accepted by the loyal people of our loyal States. The gentlemen from Ohio is understood, and he is only wasting his time in beating about the bush, instead of slipping off to Dixie.

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