Sequestration Notice.
--Having been appointed by the Judge of the District Court of the Confederate States of America for the Eastern District of Virginia the Receiver for the District designated in the sub-division of said Eastern District of Virginia, made by said Cadet, as No. 3, and composed of the counties of Albemarle, Fluvanna. Louisa. Goochland, Hanover, Henrico. (including that part of the City of Richmond lying westward of 11th street in said city.) New Kent, Charles City. James City, (including the City of Williamsburg,) Warwick, York, Elizabeth City, and King William, I hereby notify every Attorney, Agent, Farmer, Partner, Trustee, or other person holding or controlling, within said District, any lands, tenements, or hereditaments, goods, or chattels, rights, or credits or any interest therein, of or for any alien enemy of the Confederate States of America, speedily to inform me of the same, and to render to me an account thereof, and, so far as practicable, to place the same in my hands. Any such person willfully failing so do so, will be guilty of a high misdemeanor and liable to be indicted, convicted, fined and imprisoned, as provided by law. And I also notify each and every citizen of the Confederate States speedily to give information to me, (as he is required by law,) of any and all lands, tenements, and hereditaments, goods and chattels, rights and credits, within the said District, and of every right and interest therein held, owned, and possessed or enjoyed by or for any such alien enemy. Henry L. Brooke,Receiver for District No. 3.
My office is room No. 7, Belvin's Block, fronting Bank st., Richmond. oc 9--1m