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From Kentucky.

the reported skirmish at Greensburg--Gen. Hardee's movements — the Strength of Lincoln's forces, &c.

Nashville, Oct. 21.
--It is announced now that the reported skirmish at Greensburg, Ky., was premature.

The Bowling Green correspondent of the Union and American says that Gen. Hardee's command did not reach there until the afternoon of the 18th inst. He was delayed by a sudden rise in the Little Barren. The Lincolnites fled several hours before Hardee arrived. The town was almost deserted by the citizens.

Ward has retreated from Muldraugh's hill, where from Sherman's manœnvring no stand could be made.

Rousseau still occupies Nolin, with several thousand men, and does not seem able or disposed to make an advance.

The entire Lincoln force between Louisville and Nolin does not exceed fifteen hundred men.

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