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Mayor's Court

--Recorder Caskie presiding.--The following cases were disposed of yesterday morning:

John McCarthy, of the Mississippi Rifles, and James H. Mills, of a Texas regiment, arrested for taking more drinks than they could stand up under, were discharged on promise of immediate reformation.

Henry, slave of Alex Rowlett, charged with stealing a bag of peanuts, was sent down for correction.

Tazewell, slave of John Carr, was sentenced to thirty-nine for stealing a middling of bacon from John H. Claiborne.

John Holland and Luke Finn, charged with being drunk and disorderly in the First Market, and threatening to assault Semon Greenburg, were each required to give $150 security to keep the peace. Finn was also committed to jail for five days for contempt of Court.

Daniel Keys, for an assault upon Mary Sullivan, was held in $150 surety to keep the peace, and a former recognizance was declared forfeited. The Recorder thought the quiet of the city would be further secured by placing Mrs. Sullivan also under bonds to be of good behavior.

R. F. Kirby, for keeping his bar-room open for a short time last Sunday morning, was fined $5; Christian Burgin, ditto, So A similar charge against Michael Prent was dismissed.

Thos. Holmes and Margaret O'Brien, charged with assaulting Wm. O'Brien, continued until this morning.

Andrew Best was fined $5 for violating an ordinance by purchasing butter in the Second Market to sell again.

Malachi, slave of Edward Withers, received sentence of 39 lashes for violently assaulting Caroline Abrams, and was committed for going at large.

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