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Judge Ochiltree, in an address delivered in Jefferson, Cass, county Texas, recently stated that there were now in the field, armed and equipped and in active service, 245,000 Southern troops, and that there were 54,000 more in camps of instruction in the various States.

The Charleston Courier announces that an enterprising gentleman who commands the requisite capital has resolved to establish a glass factory in South Carolina, if the proper labor can be procured.

A Russian line-of-battle-ship, of 100 guns and 800 men, has been lost off the coast of Japan. All the crew perished.

The headquarters of the Governor of Georgia, heretofore in the city of Atlanta, have been removed to Milledgeville

Col. Wm. M. Cocke has withdrawn from the canvass for Congress in the Second District of Tennessee.

The annual session of the Grand Division of Sons of Temperance, commenced in Nashville on Thursday morning.

Hon. Heary S. Foote is a candidate for Congress in the Nashville district.

The Legislature of Alabama meets on Monday next, the 26th inst.

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