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The Staunton Spectator says that the consecrated remains of Gen. Washington have been removed from Mt. Vernon to Lexington, to prevent them from being desecrated by the hyena like Vandals of the North.

Will Major Anderson inform us (says the Charleston Courier) whether the rules of Christian warfare permit a blockading fleet to turn off a neutral vessel on a long voyage, without water?

Daniel Hagner, a member of the Salisbury (N. C.) Artillery, was killed last Monday by the accidental discharge of a pistol in his own hand.

H. W. Thomas, Esq., addressed a meeting in Loudoun county Va., on Monday, in favor of unconditional secession.

The North Carolina Legislature adjourned last Monday, after appropriating $5,000,000 for war purposes, passing a stay law, &c.

Mr. James Herndon, a private in the Hornet's Nest Rifles, died in camp at Raleigh, N. C., on the 11th inst.

Ice is selling in Charleston at one cent per pound.

Wheat is ready for the sickle in the neighborhood of Montgomery, Ala.

Charles Lever, the popular Irish novelist, is dead.

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