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The Manchester Smiths.

--The Mayor has discharged Richardson and Jordan Smith, the Manchester free negroes, who were arrested as suspicious characters. In doing so, the Mayor stated that there was not the slightest evidence against either of them in the letters referred to on a former examination. Though Richardson Smith was acquitted of being a suspicious character, he was held by the Mayor on another charge, the nature of which we are not aware of.

We learn that Jordan Smith, on being discharged, was told by parties from Manchester that if he put his foot on that side of the river he would be swung up instanter. He has been regarded as a trustworthy negro heretofore, and though free has a slave wife, the property of Mr. Fleming Morgan, who owns a dozen of his children. So convinced is Mr. M. of his honesty, that he has aided Smith in making application to be sold into slavery, so that he might remain near his children, Mr. M. intending to buy him. The difficulty in the street Monday evening between Morgan and Mr. Howard, of Manchester, was in relation to the above matter, as we are informed.

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