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The proceedings at Hampton, Va.

--The Norfolk Argus has the following information from Mr. Wm. A. Hines, of Hampton, who reached Norfolk in a canoe, after having been chased twice by Lincoln's em:

‘ On Monday, about 10 A. M., two companies of Federal troops, numbering about 150 men, marched out of the fort and took possession of the Mill Creek Bridge and Capt. Clark's place on the Hampton side of the creek. To the remonstrance of Lieut. Wm. Vaughan, of the cavalry, officer of the guard, on the illegality of his proceedings, Capt. Dimmick replied that he wanted water for his men and he would have it. ‘"Might makes right."’ To the cool courage displayed by Lieut. Vaughan and the guard stationed at that point, great praise is due.

When it was reported in Hampton that old Abe's hordes were marching on the town, the scene was truly exciting. Men and boys, old and young, and even the lame, discarding for the time their crutches, seized their loaded guns and went to the bridge which spans the creek, on the side of the town next the fort.--But they were doomed to be disappointed, for the Federal troops, having possessed themselves of the well of water on Capt. Clark's place, came to a halt. They have now a guard of 75 men to hold the well.

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