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Grand Jury presentments,

--The Henrico County Grand Jury yesterday indicted Saml. Hartman, Thomas Fowie, George Menydar, John Gleason, Val. Hechler, Sr., Val. Hechler, Jr., Geo. Hechler, Christian Waggoner, Jno. Lieberger, Samuel Taylor, and Frederick Skideever, for misdemeanors.

The Grand Jury made presentments against Spotswood Ford, for permitting unlawful gaming at his house; Thomas Stewart and Nancy Stewart, for permitting an unlawful assembly of negroes at their house; Henry Neurohr, (two cases,) for permitting unlawful gaming at his house and ordinary; three cases against W. J. Jennings, for the same offence; Richard T. Hundler, for permitting a slave under his control to go at large.

Garland Hanes, Sr., Massena Beazley, Albert A. Morris, and Charles Bruce were presented for not keeping in good order the roads over which they had been appointed surveyors.

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