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Federal troops Occupying Baltimore.

--The Baltimore Sun, of Tuesday, says:

‘ Last evening the United States troops encamped at the Relay House, being previously relieved by other troops, were embarked on a train of cars and quietly arrived at the Camden station about 7 o'clock. The police authorities were not notified of the movement until the appearance of the train made it manifest, when Capt. Boyd, of the Southern District, repaired to the station with twenty-five officers, but the number of spectators collected was not so large as to incommode the troops in disembarking. The troops comprised the Sixth Massachusetts Regiment, the Eighth New York Regiment and the Boston Light Artillery Company, six pieces, making altogether 1,500 men. The body was commanded by Gen. Butler in person.

The regiments rapidly formed on Lee street, and headed by the band accompanying the Massachusetts regiment, moved to Federal Hill.

The citizens of South Baltimore were somewhat surprised at the sudden introduction of the troops in their midst, and curiosity collected great numbers in the vicinity of the camp to witness the progress of the camping operations. Nothing was learned as to the purpose of the movement here, or the future destination or operations of the troops.

The place of the above army of occupation at the Relay House is supplied by four companies of the Eighth Massachusetts Regiment, who reached the Relay on Sunday night.

Gen. Butler has taken the Gilmore House as his headquarters.

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