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Later from California.

Fort Kearney, May 1.
--The Pony Express passed here last night, bringing the following summary of news from the Pacific coast:

‘ The Pacific mail steamer Golden Gate sailed from San Francisco on the 20th for Panama, carrying 280 passengers and $825,000 in treasure, including $750,000 consigned to New York.

A public dinner is proposed for Senator Latham on his arrival, by his friends in San Francisco.

The Assembly has passed the proposed amendment to the Constitution of the United States, by a vote of ayes 61, hoes 9.

Messrs. J. W. Denver, and Samuel Smith have been appointed Commissioners to proceed to Washington with vouchers, and adjust the California war debt with the Federal Government.

Late accounts from Mariposa state that the Fremont dam will be repaired, so that all the quartz mills can resume operations within two weeks.

A gold excitement is prevailing at Los Angeles, based on the recent reported discoveries in the mountains southeast of that place.

The Portland (Oregon) Advertiser, of the 15th, says the news received by the last trip of the Julia is confirmatory of the richness of the Nez Perces mines.

Mr. Geary, Superintendent of Indian Affairs, in conjunction with Agent Caie, has effected an agreement with the Nez Perces Indians, to open a portion of their country to the miners, with a provision for a military force in the vicinity, and that the miners pre serve peace and order.

British Columbia papers report the discovery of rich gold diggings in the Bamboo country.

The Colonist says that the export of gold from Victoria, for the quarter ending March 31, was $218,000, being an excess of $42,000 over the corresponding quarter of last year. The same paper recommends the purchasing or building of steamers for the Victoria and San Francisco trade direct, in case the offer made the proprietors of the Santa Cruz is rejected.

Crowds of people are leaving for Victoria, Oregon, and Washington Territory.

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