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Gen. Harney's account of his arrest and subsequent Adventures in Virginia.

The Washington correspondent of the New York Herald claims to have received the following narration from Gen. Harney:

‘ Early on Thursday morning I was apprised by the railroad conductor that we were at Harper's Ferry, and that there were indications of an intention to arrest me. I did not believe this was intended.; but a party of soldiers presently entered the cars, and apologizing for disturbing me, said that I must consider myself their prisoner. I asked, but was not allowed, to telegraph to the Secretary of War. I was taken to Gen. Carson's quarters, and informed that I should be required to go to Richmond. Accordingly I left, before day-light, in a carriage, attended by five officers of the staff. They had proposed to send a large force as an escort, but I assured them that it was above my dignity to attempt an escape; that the matter was between them and my Government, and that I did not wish to receive an unnecessary amount of attention from the public on the way. We were three days on the journey, which was made partially on wheels and partially by rail. I was treated on the route, as well as at Harper's Ferry, with the greatest courtesy. Regret was expressed that orders were such as to compel my detention. No disagreeable subjects were introduced, and no effort made to obtain my confidence. On Sunday evening we reached Richmond, and went at once to Gov. Letcher's house. The Governor was dining out, but was sent for immediately. He released me, stating that his orders had been misunderstood. I learned that the Harper's Ferry force had been directed to stop all armed bodies, and that the telegraph had announced me as coming at the head of fourteen hundred troops. I was treated with great attention at Richmond by Gov. Letcher, Col. Lee, Col. Johnson and others, whom I have long known, and was waited upon by a number of other prominent citizens. There seemed to be some curiosity to see me, and some belief that I intended to resign my commission in the United States Army. On this latter point they were deceived.

At half-past 5 Monday morning I left for Alexandria, where I arrived in the afternoon. Gov. Letcher offered escort, which I refused. The people along the route seemed to have heard that I was coming, and at some of the stations were gathered in considerable numbers. At one point there was a great crowd, who stared and called me to come out and show myself; but, except by some boys, no disgraceful remarks were made. I did not see more than half a dozen soldiers in all, and no fortifications and no batteries at Alexandria, which seemed like a deserted village. At Richmond and Harper's Ferry, it being dark, I saw few troops. At the former place I noticed, as I came away, three large secession flags in the main street; but the display of bunting was as nothing compared with what I had observed in Cincinnati and other Northern cities. Throughout my journey, as at its commencement, I was treated with great courtesy, even delicacy of attention. So far as I could judge from conversations which I had both with officers and civilians, the tone of Virginia is calm but resolved. She has no intention of attacking Washington, but means to act on the defensive, claiming, according to the doctrine of States rights, that she can leave the Union at pleasure, and believing the North and South are two distinct people, which ought to have separate governments.

I heard much regret expressed at the present condition of affairs, but saw no indications of the existence of an unkind feeling towards the North. I was assured by Governor Letcher and others high in authority that Virginia entertained no idea of attacking Washington. This, of course, cannot cover Jeff. Davis' movements; but I cannot believe be, though stubborn, has so little shrewdness as to undertake the enterprise.

I left St. Louis on Tuesday. I think that although since the affair of Fort Sumter the feeling in favor of secession has strengthened in Missouri, she will not attempt to go out of the Union.

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