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Henrico Dragoons.

--This company of horsemen numbers 100 men, all fully armed and equipped for service. The war has had a powerful effect in rejuvenating this company. Previous thereto, men were unwilling to play soldier, but now that they can snuff war in the breeze, offers for membership have multiplied in a most gratifying manner. The parade of the corps on Saturday was a most gratifying exhibition of the soldierly feeling now dwelling in the breasts of the stalwart defenders of the soil. A large number appeared, and the display of horsemanship was creditable in the extreme. For the present the men have discarded their dress uniform, and are now clothed in serviceable shirts, capable of standing the wear and tear of a campaign. Dr. Z. S. McGruder, the present commander, has exerted himself with praise worthy determination to put his corps on the best war footing, and has succeeded. The corps on Saturday was in charge of Col. J. L. Davis and Capt. McGruder.

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Z. S. McGruder (2)
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