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Doings at Wheeling.

--A meeting of merchants was held in Wheeling, Va., on Wednesday, to determine what action should be taken in regard to the renewal of the State license, which had expired. A committee was appointed to draft resolutions, and the meeting adjourned over. The feeling was strongly in opposition to the renewal, some of the participants expressing their determination to close their stores rather than pay the tax.

At a subsequent meeting, the committee made a report, setting forth the law in reference to the matter, submitting resolutions to the effect that ‘"we are good citizens of the State of Virginia, and at the same time hold ourselves loyal citizens of the United States, and will maintain allegiance to the same, as heretofore; that we are willing to pay a license tax so long as Virginia is in the United States, but we are not willing to pay a revenue to the present usurped Government at Richmond, which, without the consent of the people of Virginia, has assumed to absolve us from allegiance to the United States; and recommending the merchants of Wheeling and Ohio county to with hold the payment of taxes for the present."’

The resolutions were unanimously adopted.

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