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New York Commercial matters.

--A New York letter, of Monday, says:

‘ "There is nothing new in money matters or exchange. Everything is about as dull as it well can be. Paper is more difficult of sale, and the best and shortest can only be used at high rates. Dry goods paper is at a stand, and there seems to be no escape from an extended list of suspensions, caused by the derangement of the currency at the West.

"Stocks at the first board were quite active, with a general improvement in nearly every description. All State stocks are higher, and there are few Tennessee or North Carolina 6s offering. U. S. 6s 1881, registered, advanced Tennessee 6s 8, Virginia 6s 4, North Carolina 6s 6, Missouri 6s 1¼.

"At second board United States coupon 6s of 1881 brought 85; 12 per cent. Treasury notes 101; Tennessee 6s sold at 50; North Carolina 6s at 56; Kentucky 6s at 50; Virginia 6s at 48; and Missouri 6s at 41."

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1881 AD (2)
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