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Pirates at work.

--This British ship Hiawatha, from Liverpool, arrived at her destination, City Point, on Monday, with 5,000 sacks of salt for Messrs De Vosa & Co., of Richmond. On Saturday afternoon she was boarded by a crowd from the U. S. ship Cumberland, two miles off Old Point, and the Captain was told by Com. Pendergrast, who came in person, that he had better not attempt to enter the waters of Virginia, as his ship would probably be seized; that he had better put back to sea, and enter at Philadelphia or New York; that, if he proceeds to his present destination, the Virginians would not only seize and appropriate his vessel, but would also keep him and his crew. The Captain, notwithstanding those false representations, continued on, and arrived at City Point, having been shot at twice on his way by the vandal Pendergrast. He intends to complain to his Government of the outrage.

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