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--We understand that the agents of the New York and Charleston Line of Steamships have detained the Columbia, Jas. Adger and Marion, and pressed them into the service of the Administration at New York. The capital invested in these boats is about $700,000. The proportion owned in Charleston is about $500,000, or over.

The proportion owned in New York is about $200,000. Without the consent of the Charleston owners, they have quietly taken possession and kept all the vessels of the line, except the Nashville. They have not got possession of the latter, because the Charleston owners had very good reason why it should not return to New York, as it might be added to the other seizures.

This stands in very bold contrast with their talk of our seizure of the Marion. The Marion was not, in fact, seized at all. With the consent of the owners it was taken into the service of the State for a limited time, and the State repaid the owners for the use of the boat at the rates made by the owners themselves.--Charleston Courier.

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