Charleston, March 30.
--Arr'd, schr. A. W. Thompson, Norfolk. March 31. --Arr'd, schr. Lion, Norfolk.Norfolk, March 31.--Arr'd, schrs. Alekina, Richmond; Hardscrabble. do.
Baltimore, April 1.--Cl'd, schrs. Henry M. Smith. Fredericksburg; Providence, Norfolk.
New York, March 31.--Cl'd, schrs. Medora, Richmond; Margaret, Petersburg. April 1.-- Arr'd, schrs. S. B. Parker, Norfolk; Olivia, do.; Ocean Star, do., for Camden; Flora, do, for Salem.
Philadelphia, April 1.--Cl'd, schr. Elizabeth, Norfolk.
Alexandria, April 1.--Arr'd, schr. S. Applegate, Richmond.
Schr. Southerner, Smith, from Richmond for Mobile, ashore on French Reef, 12th, was assisted off by wreckers, and taken to Key West, 15th.--She was not much injured, and will receive no repairs. As soon as her salvage is arranged she will sail for her port of destination.