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--The news from Warsaw is not important. The substance of the Emperor's reply to the address of his Polish subjects is published. The Emperor says that he ought to consider the Polish petition as null and void, but, nevertheless, he graciously consents to regard it only as an ‘"act of enthusiasm."’--He devotes his whole attention to the reforms which are necessary throughout the empire, and his Polish subjects are as much the objects of his solicitude as are the Russians. But he has a right to expect that his sentiments and intentions shall not be ‘"misunderstood or paralyzed by inopportune or immoderate demands, which he could not confound with the welfare of his subjects."’ He will not tolerate any serious disturbances, and ‘"nothing can be raised on such a foundation; "’ for ‘"aspirations which should here seek for support would condemn themselves beforehand."’ A dispatch from Warsaw says that the Polish deputation was ‘ "astounded"’ at the tone of the Emperor Alexander's reply, which has not abated the prevailing excitement. Prince Gortchakoff unofficially told the deputation that an Imperial manifesto would speedily grant reforms, and received from Count Zamoiski the answer: ‘" We accept; but we are far from being satisfied."’

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