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A Parlor Inmate.

--Miss Fuller, in a late latter from Europe, mentions having become acquainted with Dr. Southwood Smith, the well-known philanthropist:

‘ "On visiting him," says the lady, "we saw an object which I had often heard celebrated, and had thought would be revolting, but found, on the contrary, quite an agreeable sight; this is the skeleton of Jeremy Bentham. It was at Bentham's request that the skeleton, dressed in the same dress that he habitually wore, stuffed out to an exact resemblance of life, and with a portrait mask in wax, sits there as assistant to Dr. Smith, in the entertainment of his guests and companion of his studies. The figure leans a little forward, resting the hand on a stout stick which Bentham always carried, and had named 'Dapple,' The attitude is quite easy; the expression of the whole mild, winning, yet highly intellectual individual.

"It is well-known than Bentham, in order to oppose, in the most convincing manner, the prejudice against dissection of the human subject, willed his body to surgeons, and in a codicil, subsequently written, made a final bequest of his skeleton to his friend, Dr. Smith, "

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Jeremy Bentham (4)
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