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More good signs from France.

The New York Express considers it certain that the Southern Confederate Republic will, at no distant day, receive an official recognition at the hands of the Emperor of the French. Hitherto the Republican journalists have laughed at the intimation that such might be the case, just as they laughed at other people last summer and fall for expressing a conviction then that, if their sectionalism were persisted in, South Carolina would secede; but the following significant extract from the news by the Arabia is of a character to substitute for the laugh a suspicion that one of the newest of the Napoleonic ideas is, that the anti- slavery element, upon which the Northern geographical party exist, is but a gigantic imposition, and an imposition which France, at least, is in no humor to put up with:


"The Paris Moniteur is indignant at the increase of duties imposed by the Northern United States upon French productions. Silks which paid nineteen per cent. will have now to pay from twenty to thirty, and wines which paid thirty, will have to pay thirty-three and a half; and so of other kinds of goods and produce. The official journal accuses the Northern deputies of having taken advantage of the absence of those from the South to do this smart bit of business, and laments to have to observe this retrograde movement from free trade, when all other countries are, on the contrary, advancing towards liberty of commerce. There is another ground or lamentation in the suspicion which is now raised, that the anti-slave declarations of the Northern monopolists are not so completely nimated as they ought to be by that ardent and self-sacrificing devotion to principle which, alone, can secure the triumph of a just cause. If selfishness of one kind be arrayed against selfishness of another, it cannot be expected that the generous sympathies of mankind will be with either."

Such indications as these from an official journal following the emphatic articles of Le Pays on behalf of the Southern Confederacy, show the direction in which the French columns are about to move. We are rejoiced to believe that France, the greatest and most chivalrous of modern empires, will, in all probability, be the first of the European Powers to acknowledge Southern Independence, whilst the interest of England, much against the dictates of her pseudo-philanthropy, will compel her to take the same position.

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