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Appointments, removals and Resignations.

The Washington States gives the following intelligence about the official appointments &c., in the departments there:

Mr. George Wood, of this city, has been appointed to a third class clerkship in the Treasury Department. Messrs. Wm. E. Gassen, of Pennsylvania; Thaddeus H. Stanton, of Iowa; Warren T. Lockhart, of Indiana; Elijah C. Mayhew, of Indiana, and John M. Hay, of Illinois, have been appointed clerks in the Pension Bureau--all to fill vacancies.

’ A correspondent of the Alexandria Gazette, writing from Leesburg, Loudoun county, Va., says:

"I have heard that Mr. C. W. Morgan, a printer by trade, and a daguerreotypist by occupation, has received an appointment to a clerkship in Washington. He is a Pennsylvanian, who married in this county, and is said to be a near connexion of Mr. David Wilmot."

We have understood that Mr. Morgan is a brother-in-law of Mr. Wilmot, and that he received his appointment at the earnest solicitation of Mr. Wilmot and Galusha A. Grow, and he is charged to Virginia as an appointment from that State.

Mr. T. C. L. Hatcher, of Loudoun county, Va., who held a first-class clerkship in the Census Bureau, has been removed for the avowed reason of giving place to a man from the same county who had Republican proclivities and strong Republican influence.--Mr. H. was informed that his services were entirely acceptable as far as regarded competency, but that the new appointee had Republican influence and Mr. H. had not.

Joseph S. Lewis, Esq., of Texas, who held a $1,600 clerkship in the Post-Office Department, resigned his office on Saturday last.

Dr. D. R. Lindsay, of Alabama, for many years disbursing agent of the Sixth Auditor's Office, has resigned his $2,000 position, to take effect on the 2d day of April.

Among the noticeable removals is that of H. St. George Offut, Esq., Chief Clerk of the Sixth Auditor's Office. Mr. Offut was appointed to office by Mr. Polk in 1845, and had been promoted six times, once by Mr. Corwin. Mr. Offut was a most efficient officer.

Hon. Green Adams, member of the late Congress from Kentucky, has been appointed Auditor of the Treasury for the Post-Office Department (usually called the Sixth Auditor's Office) in place of Doctor Tate, of Virginia, resigned.

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