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Extra session of the Senate.

Washington. March 6.
--Mr Dixon moved hat copies of the Inaugural Address be printed for the use of the members of the Senate.

Mr. Clingman, of N. C., said, though voting for printing the address, he could not endorse its sentiments. He believed if carried out, they would inevitably result in war. It was a war document, hostile to all plans of peace.

Mr. Douglas considered the Inaugural eminently peaceful. He believed the administration would be marked by conservatism and peacefulness. The South had nothing to fear from a President whose Inaugural was so conciliatory and mild under such peculiar circumstances. He could not see how the President could carry out one part of the law and neglect another, collect revenue in one port and pass by another.

Mr. Clingman obtained the floor for a rejoinder, and the Senate went into Executive session.

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