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Trial of Capt. John Lockhart.

--The trial of this prisoner, before Judge Halyburton, for complicity in slave trading operations on the African coast, was resumed yesterday.

The prisoner's counsel made the following points in their argument to the jury: 1st. That it was not proved that Lockhart was a citizen of the United States; 2d. That the United States had not proved the nationality of the vessel; 3d. That it has not been proved (as must be the case to insure conviction) that the prisoner was found serving on board, by guiding, steering or directing her movements; 4th. That it has not been proved that the prisoner was anything more than a passenger on board the Storm King, away from home, anxious to reach it, and having no other mode of conveyance than the vessel; 5th. That it has not been proved that the vessel was bound on a voyage, from one foreign country to another, which must be done to ensure a conviction.

After able argument for and against the prisoner, which was not concluded till a late hour, the case was submitted eo the jury, who, being unable to agree, were furnished with strictly private apartments at one of our hotels for the night.

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