General Assembly of Virginia.
[extra session.]
Thursday,Feb. 28, 1861. Called to order at the usual hour, and opened with prayer by the Rev. Mr. Peterkin.
Bills Reported.--By Mr. Logan, to amend the acts concerning District Free Schools, in the county of Jefferson; also, Senate bill extending the corporate limits of the town of Fredericksburg.
Mr. Wickham presented the petition of officers of cavalry for an appropriation to meet the expenses of a camp of instruction for cavalry officers.
Resolutions.--On motion of Mr. Neeson, it was resolved to inquire into the expediency of legalizing certain irregularities in the sales of land delinquent for taxes, made in the year 1855, in the county of Tyler.
Adjournment Proposed.--Mr. Smith offered the following joint resolution, which lies over under the rules:
‘ Resolved, That the Senate, the House of Delegates concurring therein, will, when it adjourns on Tuesday, the 12th day of March next, adjourn to meet on the first Monday in December next.
’ Indefinitely Postponed.--A bill concerning the voluntary enslavement of free negroes was taken up and considered at some length, when, on motion of Mr. Coghill, the subject was indefinitely postponed.
Treasury Note Bill.--The bill to authorize the issue of treasury notes was taken up and made the order of the day for Wednesday next, at 11 o'clock.
Bill Passed.--Senate bill to legalize proceedings on Sunday in certain cases.
On motion or Mr. Neeson, the Senate adjourned.