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From Washington.

Washington, Nov. 12.
--As far as can be ascertained there is no disposition either on the part of the Administration or of gentlemen of political prominence here, to interfere with the present Southern movement, except perhaps in a friendly spirit. It is now probable that the President will soon issue an address or proclamation, as the election of delegates to the South Carolina Convention is to take place at an earlier day than was recently anticipated, and as in consequence there would not be sufficient time for the general circulation of an appeal through the President's annual message, as originally contemplated. The subject was, to-night, under consideration. It is understood that Thos. Corwin, of Ohio, can if he will, occupy a prominent position in Lincoln's Cabinet, and in the event of his declining to do so, an invitation will be extended to Ewing or Vinton of the same State. Messrs. Graham and Badger of North Carolina, are also as confidently mentioned in this connection.

The President, to-day, headed a subscription list for the relief of the sufferers in Kansas with $100, and gave assurance that he would appeal to Congress in their behalf.

There is a rumor here of the declaration of independence by South Carolina, but it is doubtless nothing but a rumor.

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