Memorable Speeches.
--We desire to embalm the following extraordinarily sublime, eloquent, and elegant perorations. The first is said to have been delivered before a court of justice in Pennsylvania:‘"Your honor sits high upon the adorable seat of justice, like the Asiatic rock of Gibraltar, while the eternal streams of justice, like the cadaverous clouds of the valley, flow meandering at your extended feet."’
The next is by a celebrated lawyer of New Jersey:
‘"Your honors, I fancy, do not sit there like marble statues, to be wafted about by every idle breeze,"’
Next, the soul-stirring opening of a western oration:
‘"The important crisis which were about to have arrived, have arrived."’
Last, but not least, one that locates itself:
‘"The court will please to observe that the gentleman from the East has given them a very learned speech. He has roamed with old Romulus, soaked with old Socrates, ripped with Euripides, and cantered with Cantharides! but what — your honor — what does he know about the law of old Arkansas?"’