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Happy Women.

--A happy woman! Is not she the very sparkle and sunshine of life? A woman who is happy because she can't help it — whose smile even the coldest sprinkle of misfortune cannot dampen. Men make a terrible mistake when they marry for beauty, for talent, or for style; the sweetest wives are those who possess the magic secret of being contented under any circumstances. Rich or poor, high or low, it makes no difference; the bright little fountain of joy bubbles up just as musically in their hearts. Do they live in a log cabin the fire light that leaps on its humble hearth becomes brighter than the gilded chandeliers in an Aladdin palace. Was ever the stream of life so dark and unpropitious that the sunshine of a happy face falling across its turbid tide, would not awaken an answering gleam? Why, these joyous tempered people don't know half the good they do.

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