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Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.
Methodist Conference--Education, &c.

Hampton. Va., Nov. 11.
The Methodist Protestant Conference is now in session. It was to have met on yesterday; but owing to the election. we suppose the delegates were prevented from attending sooner than to- day. The delegation is small, owing probably to the same cause.

Mr. J. B. Cary's Academy is in a very flourishing condition, something like 120 scholars having entered up to this time.

Chesapeake Female College has about fifty scholars — rather a small number when we reflect upon the fact that there are accommodations sufficient for three times that number.--It is well located, healthy and accessible.

The weather has been very pleasant for more than a week; to-day it is raining, with every prospect of its continuing several days.

The Baptist Church here having been sometime without a pastor, on last Sabbath extended a call to Rev. G. F. Adams, of Baltimore. It is thought he will accept. P.

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