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[395] at members of their own side deserting to the Union army. Every night especially dark, brought squads of these men in, whom we saw marched past to corps headquarters, but with whom we rarely had opportunity to converse.

Five or six weeks wore quietly away in this camp with little, save a call from the paymaster, to vary their monotony. On the 27th of February Maj. Sleeper severed his connection with the Company, and in a short speech, delivered with illy suppressed emotion, turned us over to Lieut. Adams. He told us that if we ever came to Boston he should feel slighted if we did not give him a call; that anything he could do for us would be cheerfully done, and concluded by wishing us all a safe return home. Lieut. Adams was at once promoted to the Captaincy, and first sergeant George M. Townsend was commissioned junior second lieutenant, to fill the vacancy created by promotions.

The following letter was received by the Major just after his discharge:

Headquarters Army of the Potomac, March 1st, 1865.
Brevet Maj. Sleeper, Mass. Batt.
Major,—Sincerely regretting that you should have been induced to resign the command of your Battery I hope that you will always remember that you carry with you the very best wishes of all with whom you have been connected for four years. Intimately acquainted with you for the whole period of your services I congratulate you upon your military record with the hope of seeing you at no distant day giving a practical helping hand to those who are still striving to put down the Rebellion.

Sincerely your friend,

Alexr. S. Webb, Bv't Major General, Chief of Staff, A. P.

About the middle of March orders came to be ready to move at short notice, and to turn in one section of the Battery.

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