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[354] Railroad. Before broad daylight, Thursday morning, October 27th, the march was resumed, and with flankers well out the column proceeded slowly and cautiously in a southwesterly direction. Early in the forenoon sounds of skirmishing reached the ear, a sure index that our advance was likely to be warmly opposed. The enemy's outposts were met and driven inland their picket line captured with a small earthwork. The advance was then continued still more cautiously, and anon cannonading was heard. At noon we were brought to a stand-still, and parked at close intervals on the left of the Dabney's Mill road (over which we had been marching) where it meets the Boydton Plank Road. Battery K parked in our company. From this position we were enabled to watch the fight going on between one of our batteries (Beck's ‘C & I,’ 5th Regulars) and some Rebel guns; but when the shells from the latter came whistling along not far overhead, or, plunging into the ground uncomfortably near, indicated that the troops massed and massing here were visible to them, we lay a little lower.

'Twas but a moment, however, for we are wanted at the front, and leaving caissons behind, out upon the Plank Road dash the pieces at a lively trot. We have a half-mile run before us ere getting into position, and no sooner are we fairly on the road than we become the object of warm attention from the enemy's guns, whose shells crash through the trees and fence by the roadside as we go. But on we press, galloping up the rise in the road just south of where it meets the White Oak Road, and wheel to the right into a field, unlimbering near a barn.1 We are opposite the entrance of the White

1 The topography of the map of this battle was taken from Michler's U. S. map, and the location of troops mainly from a map sketched by Col. Morgan, then Hancock's chief-of-staff, now deceased.

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