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The Seventy-second Pennsylvania Regiment of the Second Brigade, Second Division, was on our right flank, and the term of service of seven of their companies ended that night. They were a jolly lot, and their joviality bubbled over towards the ‘Confeds’ in plentiful showers of lead. Twenty or thirty of them would level their rifles over the works at a time and fire in a volley, then lying low they would wait for the response, which was never long in coming from the appreciative ‘Johnnies.’ When their ammunition was exhausted they fired away their ramrods. It was a pastime, harmless enough to those immediately engaged in it, but decidedly disagreeable—not to use a stronger expression—to any who might be passing to or from the rear. But night came at last, and under its cover we were relieved by colored troops from the Ninth Corps, and, with our merry support, drew out from the trenches.

Morning reports.


June 13. One horse died of exhaustion. .One pole broken.

June 16. One caisson wheel disabled.

June 17. Serg't C. E. Pierce, privates Gowell and Benjamin G. Pedrick sent to hospital.

June 18. One horse died of exhaustion.

June 19. Private Win. H. Bickford sent to hospital.

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