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[245] Fredericksburg Railroad. Through this small settlement flows the Mat River, crossed by a bridge which was held by a Rebel force under one Kemper, who happened to be on his way from Richmond to join Lee. Him and his force our cavalry had dislodged by skilful tactics, and had captured sixty-six prisoners before our arrival. Having crossed the bridge and advanced about a mile, line of battle was formed, and the corps bivouacked for the night. Our lot was cast in a luxuriant wheat-field. As the enemy was not far away,1 a line of earthworks was thrown up for our defence in case of a sudden attack.

The next day (May 22) was the Sabbath, and was spent by us in quiet waiting for the rest of the army to come up within supporting distance; but at 7 o'clock, Monday morning, we renewed our march southward, past Karmel Church, striking the North Anna river just at dusk, at a point where the railroad above mentioned crosses it. Finding several batteries already in park here, we at once concluded that our services were not to be called for immediately, but were soon disarmed of this notion by being ordered up to take position on the north bank of the river. Leaving the caissons behind, the pieces passed up a road winding through the woods, and unlimbered on high ground overlooking the river. Battery K took position on our left, and the First New Hampshire on our right. A line of red earth, across the front of a small opening in the woods opposite, marked the enemy's position, behind which men were digging most industriously. We soon descried in the duskiness now approaching that they were putting in a battery, an enterprise in which our warmest concern became immediately enlisted.

1 Longstreet's corps.

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