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[333] in another, with the entrance hall and stairway; and in another with the arrangement of the rooms. When shall you be among us, that we may have the advantage of your knowledge?

I dine en famille with the Howes to-day. You have heard of poor Felton's loss. The blow, long expected, has fallen with stunning effect.

Ever thine,

To W. C MacREADYEADYeadyeady, London.

Boston, May 1, 1845.
my dear MacREADYeady,—It is now the eleventh hour (literally eleven o'clock); and the long letter I had hoped to write you is still unwritten. Three days ago, the action Rodney v. Macready was dismissed . . . . Thus closes your experience of American law.

The last scene has closed with Felton's poor wife. She died at last suddenly,—unconscious herself that her end was at hand, surrounded by every thing to soothe her, while the sympathy of friends has helped to sustain her husband. He has been much stunned by the blow, though it was so long expected. His elastic nature, his social feelings, and his universal heart, I trust, will soon find quiet. I wish he could visit Europe,—leaving home July 1; but his duties to his two orphan children may interfere.

God bless you I We rejoice in your success and happiness.

Ever thine,

P. S. Hillard sends his love, and longs to write you, which he will do. He has not thanked you for your portrait.

To his brother George.

Boston, May 1, 1845.
dear George,—It is nearly two o'clock at night. I am sorry to find that I have only these lees of time for you. I wished to write a long letter in thanksgiving for your last interesting budget.

The letter on Cushing's treaty was well-turned. Knowing, as I do, something of the secret history of that negotiation, it is less marvellous in my sight than in yours. Ke-ying is described by those who know him as a remarkable statesman,—more than a match for Pottinger, Cushing, and Lagrenee. Cushing has made a grammar of the Manchu language, which he proposes to publish,—whether in English or Latin he had not determined. You know he studied diligently the old Tartar dialect, that he might salute the Emperor in his court language. Fletcher Webster is preparing a book on China.

What is thought of Cousin and his philosophy? Is the first volume of his edition of Plato published? How is Guizot's name pronounced? Is the Gui

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