[143] with Bates.1 Morpeth wishes me to see the Lansdownes and Hollands, but I decline.Yesterday, I fell upon the last ‘North American.’2 It was precious to me, for it reflected four dear friends. There I saw in the lucid page yourself and Cleveland, Longfellow and Felton. Beautifully written and turned was Cleveland's article; well-poised and careful, Felton's criticism. I jumped as I read them. I am proud of all of you, and rejoice that you are my friends. I have seen something of the talent of this world in various lands, but give me my friends and their cultured minds. I have just found Longfellow's ‘Hyperion,’ and shall sit up all night to devour it. I have bought up all the copies of ‘Voices of the Night’ in London, to give to my friends. Have been much disappointed at not finding your brother here. Be on the lookout for me. The ‘Mediator’ sails fast. I am coming. Love to all, and good-by.
As ever, affectionately yours,
C. S.P. S. Tell the Judge, and Greenleaf, and Fletcher, I am coming. Tell Ticknor I am his debtor for an interesting letter received at Heidelberg.
To Judge Story.
London, March 24, 1840.dear Judge,—I shall be on our side of the Atlantic soon,—very soon— perhaps as soon as this sheet, perhaps sooner. This will go in the packet of the 25th March; I go in the London packet (the ‘Wellington’) of April 1, leaving Portsmouth, April 4. I first took a berth in the ‘Mediator’ of the 29th March; but Cogswell and Willis and his wife go on the 4th, so for pleasant company's sake I shall go in the same ship. Most of the lawyers are on Circuit. Hayward, however, rejoices more in literature than law; so he is in town. The articles on you in the ‘Law Magazine’ are by Calvert, a very nice, gentlemanly person. He has another in type on your ‘Bailments.’ Charles Austin is as brilliant and clever as ever,—all informed, and master of his own profession: take him all in all, the greatest honor of the English Bar. Old Wilkinson I found over black-letter, supported on either side by a regiment of old books of Entries and ancient Reporters, with a well-thumbed Rolle's ‘Abridgment’ on the table. But I shall see only a few lawyers; some of my ancient friends in literature and fashion I have found. Lady Blessington is as pleasant and time-defying as ever, surrounded till one or two of the morning with her brilliant circle. I rose to leave her at one o'clock. ‘Oh! it is early yet, Mr. Sumner,’ said
This text is part of:
Table of Contents:
again.—characters of judges.—Oxford.—Cambridge—
: Stratford-on-avon.—Warwick.—London.—Characters of judges and lawyers.—authors.—society.—
, to
: service for
Mutiny.—The nation's duty as to slavery.—
1 Joshua Bates, American banker, 1788-1864. Mr. Bates invited Sumner to attend, Feb. 12, 1839, his daughter's marriage to Sylvain Van de Weyer, the Belgian statesman.
2 North American, Jan., 1840, Vol. L. Felton's article on Longfellow's ‘Hyperion,’ pp. 145-161. Cleveland's article on Hillard's edition of ‘Spenser's Poetical Works,’ pp. 174-206.
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