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[325] Ward Four, where he lived, was entitled. In this ward, at this municipal election, the Whigs led the Native Americans by one hundred votes, leaving the Democrats third in the canvass. Although his Whig colleague, A. D. Parker, was chosen, Sumner himself lost his election, being defeated by Rev. H. A. Graves— a Baptist clergyman and one of the Native American candidates —who, living in East Boston, then a part of the ward, succeeded in combining with his party vote the local vote of his neighborhood. It may be mentioned that, among members of the School Committee chosen in other wards at this election, were Sidney Bartlett, Theophilus Parsons, and Dr. Howe. This is the only instance in which Sumner was ever a candidate for the direct votes of the people, except when, in 1852, the town of Marshfield, to his regret, elected him a member of the State Constitutional Convention.

Several friends of Mr. Mann met, in the winter of 1844-45, with the view of expressing their sympathy with him in his recent controversy, and their gratitude for his perseverance and devotion in the cause of popular education. At their request, Sumner prepared the draft of a formal letter, which, signed by twenty-four gentlemen, was sent to Mr. Mann. The latter was greatly cheered by this tribute, and replied in a note which showed how deeply he was touched by it. Mrs. Mann, at the same time, wrote a personal note to Sumner, expressing a deep sense of obligation for his ‘most beautiful and touching letter to her husband.’ A part of the letter is as follows:—

Boston, Jan. 13, 1845.
. . . We have learned from you the priceless value of the common schools. You have taught us most especially that the conservation of republican institutions depends on the knowledge and virtue of the people. You have taught us, by most interesting details and considerations, that the wealth of the country is augmented, and that the arm of its industry is nerved, in proportion to the diffusion of knowledge; so that each humble schoolhouse is to be regarded not only as a nursery of souls, but a mine of riches.

We have learned through you to appreciate those genial modes of instruction by which the pupil is won and not driven into the paths of knowledge; by which he is induced to recognize the sweets of learning, and to pursue it for its own sake.

While we have learned from you to abate somewhat of our confidence in the comparative merits of our own system of public education, we have been

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