[113] Its homage to truth and virtue I admire. The Pope should remit Manzoni1 ten thousand years through purgatory in consideration of ‘Fra Cristoforo’ and the ‘Cardinal Borromeo.’ When I read the asking of pardon by Cristoforo, though I was in a public vettura,and albeit unused to the melting mood, I yet found the spontaneous tear,—the truest testimony to the power of the writer. Young William Minot from Boston is here, having been through Greece. He is of a most respectable family, and is one of the few Americans who think of self-improvement by travel. I am desirous to join my recommendation to that of your other friends to procure for him your advice and countenance during his stay in Rome. He will be there in about a month, and wishes to study Italian literature and art. Ah, would that I could be there too! But I must be elsewhere. My next place is Venice, where I shall stay but two or three days or a week. If you do not write me I shall have nothing at Venice to read fresher than Paul Sarpi or Paruta. Nothing that I have seen alters my faith in Crawford. Let him go on, and his way is clear. Remember me most kindly to Mrs. Greene, and give one torment to Ponto,2 and believe me,Ever most sincerely yours,
P. S. Signor Gigli would like to know Crawford, and will be happy to write about his works in some Italian journal. I have promised him that you will take him to Crawford's studio. Greenough has read me some essays of his on art, which are superior to any thing in the English language after Reynolds, and in some respects better than the British painter's. The style is beautiful, and many of the views are very valuable and original. I cannot help saying how sorry I am that Crawford has put those books under my bust. Can't you saw them off? It will seem to everybody a cursed piece of affectation and vanity on my part. Wilde is busy with the ‘Life of Dante.’ Have you seen Vol. I. of the ‘Reports of the Venetian Ambassadors?’ They will make twenty volumes when published.I shall leave Florence Monday next; stay a day or two at Bologna, and five or seven at Venice.
To George S. Hillard.
Palazzo Giustiniani, Venice, Sept. 29, 1839.my dear Hillard,—Among canals, amidst the cries and songs of gondoliers, and the gentle splash of their oars, from the isles of Venice, under the shadow of the Lion of St. Mark, I write you now. At the price of a blot I will mark on the above view the house and room where I am.
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Table of Contents:
again.—characters of judges.—Oxford.—Cambridge—
: Stratford-on-avon.—Warwick.—London.—Characters of judges and lawyers.—authors.—society.—
, to
: service for
Mutiny.—The nation's duty as to slavery.—
1 Alessandro Manzoni. 1784-1873. His rank is first among modern Italian writers. His eightieth birthday was celebrated with popular rejoicings, and his death was the occasion of a national tribute to his memory.
2 Greene's poodle dog. Sumner was quite fond of him, and enjoyed teasing him in his walks with Greene.
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