The young men of the army.
The Louisville Journal says: The fame of Spartan mothers is to be rivalled by the firmness, devotion, and loyalty of the mothers of America. The present war calls forth the exhibition of the noblest traits of the female heart. We have seen scores of letters which, if collected in a printed volume, might accompany the “book of books,” as a most fitting commentary on the value of its inculcations, and show the rich produce of the ripe harvests which spring from its seeds of righteousness and truth. But we are permitted to copy an extract from one addressed to Col. J. M. Shackelford, which, in its tone of Christian confidence and patriotic self-sacrifice, is above and beyond all praise. Written from a secluded country home, “that Shenstone might have envied” --a home where “peace, tranquillity, and innocence, shed their mingled delights around” --it pours forth the hopes and fears of a mother, who, leaning on the Almighty arm, trusting to His power, and confident in the justice of her country's cause, gives up her eldest son to her God and to that country. The simple pathos of the letter is the highest eloquence, and its religious confidence the most holy characteristic of an American mother. It reads as follows: