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91. the Southern Wagon.1

Come, all ye sons of freedom, and join our Southern band;
We're going to fight the enemy, and drive them from our land.
Justice is our motto, Providence our guide,
So jump in the wagon, and we'll all take a ride.

Oh I wait for the wagon,
The dissolution;
The South is our wagon,
And we'll all take a ride.

Secession is our watchword, our rights we all demand,
And to defend our firesides we pledge our hearts and hand.
Jeff Davis is our President, with Stephens by his side;
Brave Beauregard, our general, will join us in the ride.
Our wagon is plenty big enough, the running-gear is good ;
It's stuffed around with cotton, and made of Southern wood,
Carolina is our driver, with Georgia by her side,
Virginia will hold her flag up, and we'll all take a ride.

There are Tennessee and Texas also in the ring;
They wouldn't have a government where cotton wasn't king.
Alabama and Florida have long ago replied;
Mississippi and Louisiana are anxious for the ride.

Missouri, North-Carolina, and Arkansas are slow;
They must hurry, or we'll leave them, and then what will they do?
There's Old Kentucky and Maryland won't make up their mind;
So I reckon, after all, we'll take them up behind.

The Tennessee boys are in the field, eager for the fray;
They can whip the Yankee boys three to one, they say;
And when they get in conflict, with Davis by their side,
They'll pitch into the Yankee boys, and then you'll see them slide.

Our cause is just and holy, our men are brave and true;
We'll whip the Lincoln cut-throats, is all we have to do.
God bless our noble army; in him we all confide;
So jump into the wagon, and we'll all take a ride.

1 see Poetry and Incidents, Vol. III, p. 67.

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