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[468] the protection of the public property. He desired to know “personally” from Captain Lyon whether the rumor of his intended attack on Camp Jackson was true.

Lyon refused to receive Frost's note, but the traitor was answered by the vigilant commander “personally” that day, in a way to silence all further inquiries. Early in the afternoon, Lyon, by a quick movement, surrounded Camp Jackson with about six thousand troops and heavy cannon, so placed as to command the entire grove.1 Guards were placed so as to prevent any communication between the town and the camp. Then Lyon sent a note to General Frost, demanding an immediate surrender of the men and munitions of war under his command, and giving him only thirty minutes for deliberation.

In the mean time, information of this movement had spread over the town. Rumors of an attack on Camp Jackson had been exciting the people for two days, and now a portion of the population, who sympathized with the rebellion, were in a state of frenzy, and, armed with whatever weapon they could find — rifles, pistols, knives, clubs — they hurried toward Lindell's Grove to assist the State troops. They found the south side of the camp open, and many of them forced their way into it and joined their friends. They were too late. Frost perceived by the array of armed men around his camp that resistance with his twelve hundred militia would be useless, and he surrendered before the half hour allowed him for deliberation had expired. With his men Frost surrendered twenty cannon, twelve hundred new rifles, several chests of muskets, and large quantities of ammunition. The most of these materials of war had been stolen from the Arsenal at Baton Rouge.

Lyon offered to release the State troops, who were now prisoners, on condition of their taking an oath of allegiance to the National Government, and promising not to take up arms against it. Nearly all of them declined the offer, and toward sunset they were marched out of the camp between two regiments (Blair's and Boernstein's), followed by the excited crowd, who yelled and cursed like madmen, as they were. They huzzaed for Jefferson Davis and the Southern Confederacy. Women waved their handkerchiefs in token of friendship for the prisoners; and upon the German Unionists in the ranks the most insulting epithets were poured out. At length, just as the last of the prisoners and guard were leaving the camp, some of the rabble in the grove fired upon some of Boernstein's command.2 The Germans returned the attack in kind. More than twenty of the crowd were wounded, including some women and children, some of them mortally. Lyon instantly

1 The regiments of Missouri Volunteers, under Colonels Boernstein, Franz Sigel (afterward Major-General), and Blair, were drawn up on the north and west sides of the camp; the regiment of Colonel Nicholas Schuttner, with a company of United States Regulars and a battery of artillery, under Lieutenant Lathrop, were placed on the east side of the camp; and a company of Regulars, under Lieutenant Saxton, and a battery of heavy guns were on the north side of the camp. Lyon's staff consisted of Franklin A. Dick, Samuel Simmons, Bernard G. Farrar, and Mr. Conant. Mr. Dick was afterward Provost-Marshal General of the Department of Missouri under General S. R. Curtis, with the rank of colonel.

2 Captain Blandowski, of Boernstein's regiment, was mortally wounded, and died a few days afterward, when he was buried with the honors of war. Captain Lyon was present at his death, and he remarked to the victim's widow:--“Madam, since my boyhood, it has always been my highest wish to die as your husband has died.” That wish was soon afterward gratified.

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