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[455] the Miami Valley, about eighteen miles from Cincinnati. So Ohio began to prepare for the struggle.

The people of Indiana moved as promptly and vigorously as those of Ohio. In March, the vigilant Governor Morton, seeing the storm gathering,

Camp Dennison.

went to Washington and procured about five thousand second-class muskets. These and a few others formed all the means at his command for arming the State, when the President's call reached him on Monday, the 15th of April. The militia of the State were unorganized, and there was no Adjutant-General to whom he might turn for aid, for the incumbent of that office refused to act. At that time there was an energetic young lawyer residing at Crawfordsville, who had served in Mexico at the age of nineteen years, and was well versed in military affairs. In the State Senate, of which he had been a member, he had vainly urged the adoption of measures for organizing the militia of the State. Fond of military maneuvers, he had formed a company and drilled them in the tactics of the Zouaves, several weeks before the famous corps of “Ellsworth's Zouaves” was organized. This lawyer was Lewis Wallace, who became a Major-General of Volunteers at an early period of the war that ensued.

Governor Morton called Wallace to his aid. A dispatch summoning him to Indianapolis reached him on Monday evening,

April 15, 1861.
while he was trying a cause in Clinton County. He reported to the Governor the next morning. “The President has called on Indiana for six regiments to put down a rising rebellion,” said Morton. “I have sent for you to assist me in the business. I want to appoint

O. P. Morton.

you Adjutant-General.” --“Where is the Adjutant-General's office?” inquired Wallace.--“There is none,” responded the Governor.--“Where are the books?” --“There are none.” --“How many independent companies are there in the State?” --“I know of but three--two ”

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