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When the secession movement began, at the close of 1860, the Government took measures for the security of this post. Orders were received there on the 2d of January for the Armory Guard, Flag Guard, and Rifle Company to go on duty; and these were re-enforced a few days afterward by sixty-four unmounted United States dragoons, under the command of Lieutenant Roger Jones, who were sent there as a precautionary measure. Colonel Barbour, of Virginia, was superintendent of the post.

Profound quiet prevailed at Harper's Ferry until after the attack on Fort Sumter, when it was disturbed by rumors that the Virginians were preparing to seize the Armory and Arsenal there. The rumor was true, and was soon verified. On the morning of the 18th of April, orders were received

Harper's Ferry in May, 1861.1

from Richmond, by the militia commanders at Winchester and Charlestown, for the seizure of the Armory and Arsenal that night, and a march in force into Maryland, when the Minute-men of that State were expected to join them in an immediate attack on Washington. Notice was given to about three thousand men, but, owing to some misunderstanding, only Jefferson County troops, about two hundred and fifty strong, under Colonel Allen, were at Halltown, the designated place of rendezvous, at eight o'clock in the evening. This was a little village about half way between Charlestown Court House and Harper's Ferry, and four miles from each. Other troops, in the vicinity of Winchester, were on their march toward the Ferry at that time.

1 this is a view of Harper's Ferry as it appeared just after the destruction of the Armory and Arsenal buildings. The spectator is upon the hill back of the village, and looking toward the Potomac, where, with the waters of the Shenandoah, it passes through the Blue Ridge. Maryland Hights, which have become famous in history, are seen on the left of the picture.

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