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κτησαμένους . . . χρησαμένους: ‘designed assonance’ (παρονομασία) is common in Isocr.; cp. § 46 φθονοῦσι . . . φρονοῦσι, and Paneg. 45 ῥώμης . . . γνώμης. It is sometimes found in the Greek Tragedians, e.g. χρέος θεός, and in Latin, e.g. Varro, R. R. iii. 2. 13 “utrum propter oues an propter aues.παρονομασία was a favourite figure of the Sophist Gorgias of Leontini, and was sometimes called ‘figura Gorgiana’.

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    • Isocrates, Panegyricus, 45
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