Having to make mention, in the present Book, of the eggs of the goose and the numerous uses to which they are applied, as also of the bird itself, it is our duty to award the honour to Commagene1 of a most celebrated preparation there made. This composition is prepared from goose-grease, a substance applied to many other well-known uses as well; but in the case of that which comes from Commagene, a part of Syria, the grease is first incorporated with cinnamon, cassia,2 white pepper, and the plant called "commagene,"3 and then placed in vessels and buried in the snow. The mixture has an agreeable smell, and is found extremely useful for cold shiverings, convulsions, heavy or sudden pains, and all those affections, in fact, which are treated with the class of remedies known as "acopa;"4 being equally an unguent and a medicament.There is another method, also, of preparing it in Syria: the fat of the bird is preserved in manner already5 described, and there is added to it erysisceptrum,6 xylobalsamum,7 palm elate,8 and calamus, each in the same proportion as the grease; the whole being gently boiled some two or three times in wine. This preparation is made in winter, as in summer it will never thicken, except with the addition of wax. There are numerous other remedies, also, derived from the goose, as well as from the raven;9 a thing I am much surprised at, seeing that both the goose and the raven10 are generally said to be in a diseased state at the end of summer and the beginning of autumn.