A similar degree of precocity has caused the appellation of "superbum"1 to be given to one species of the pear: it is a small fruit, but ripens with remarkable rapidity. All the world are extremely partial to the Crustumian2 pear; and next to it comes the Falernian,3 so called from the drink4 which it affords, so abundant is its juice. This juice is known by the name of "milk" in the variety which, of a black colour, is by some called the pear of Syria.5 The denominations given to the others vary according to the respective localities of their growth. Among the pears, the names of which have been adopted in our city, the Decimian pear, and the Pseudo- Decimian—an offshoot from it—have conferred considerable renown upon the name of those who introduced them. The same is the case, too, with the variety known as the "Dolabellian,"6 remarkable for the length of its stalk, the Pomponian,7 surnamed the mammosum,8 the Licerian, the Sevian, the Turranian, a variety of the Sevian, but distinguished from it by the greater length of the stalk, the Favonian,9 a red pear, rather larger than the superbum,together with the Laterian10 and the Anician, which come at the end of autumn, and are pleasant for the acidity of their flavour. One variety is known as the "Tiberian,"11 from its having been a particular favourite with the Emperor Tiberius; it is more coloured by the sun, and grows to a larger size, otherwise it would be identical with the Licerian variety.The following kinds receive their respective names from their native countries: the Amerinian,12 the latest pear of all, the Picentine, the Numantine, the Alexandrian, the Numidian, the Greek, a variety of which is the Tarentine, and the Signine,13 by some called "testaceum," from its colour, like earthenware; a reason which has also given their respective names to the "onychine"14 and the "purple" kinds. Then, again, we have the "myrapium,"15 the "laureum," and the "nardinum,"16 so called from the odour they emit; the "hordearium,"17 from the season at which it comes18 in; and the "ampullaceum,"19 so called from its long narrow neck. Those, again, that are known as the "Coriolanian"20 and the "Brut. tian," owe their names to the places of their origin; added to which we have the cucurbitinum,21 and the "acidulum," so named from the acidity of its juice. It is quite uncertain for what reason their respective names were given to the varieties known as the "barbaricum" and the "Venerium,"22 which last is known also as the "coloratum;"23 the royal pear24 too, which has a remarkably short stalk, and will stand on its end, as also the patricium, and the voconium,25 a green oblong kind. In addition to these, Virgil26 has made mention of a pear called the "volema,"27 a name which he has borrowed from Cato,28 who makes mention also of kinds known as the "sementivum"29 and the "musteum."30